A poem for Mr. Beer N. Hockey
Because I am compassionate
And I have picture of the
Dalai Lama in my
Hybrid car
And I believe everything
I read in Adbusters
Even though it is from Canada
And I love the world's poor so much
So long as I don't have to meet any of them
(Unless I am on an ecotourist AMAZING vacation)
That I wish there were more of them
So that I could admire their quaint AMAZING
Cultures and buy records from Berkeley
Of their traditional music
And because I paid $200 for a shirt
Made out of Organic Hemp
And because I read a magazine article
No, TWO AMAZING magazine articles
And now I run around telling people
That eating is a very political act
And because when I find that
Someone has touched
My Bicycle
I get all red in the face
And say things like
"What kind of a sick society
Is this?
Why in Tibet there are
Humble people
Who live AMAZING spiritual lives
And are happy to hurd yaks and live
On rancid yak piss
In hopes that
In their next life
They will be allowed to smell one of
The Dalai Lama's farts!!!"
And then I get on my $5,000
Titanium framed bike
And go cut off some traffic so
That everyone will know how much
I hate them for
Their stupid consumerist lifestyles
Except that
I used to be a total punk
And I lived in a tent on
The sidewalk and
Shit on the sidewalk
And hated everyone who had
A job
Because I was never going to sell out
But I am still true to my
Old ideals
Because I still think that I'm better
Than other people
Because I have studied Buddhism
For an entire weekend
With an AMAZINGLY spiritual teacher
Who charges a thousand dollars
For a weekend seminar
But he has a lot of tattoos
And he drives several extremely cool
Vintage cars
And a restored classic Indian motorcycle